Using AnyDVD through DVD Decrypter
Recently I had a reader ask me if it was possible to use AnyDVD and DVD Decrypter together. This way he could use DVD Decrypter's IFO mode with the decryption processing being handled by AnyDVD. As a matter of fact, this is very easy to do, and I'll show you how.
First off, as a precaution, make sure that AnyDVD is shutdown. This probably isn't necessary, but any time I'm messing with my disk drivers, I like to be sure I won't be breaking anything. To do this, simply right click on the little AnyDVD fox icon at the bottom right of your screen and click Exit.
Good to go? Okay, then let's move on.
Start up DVD Decrypter. At the top of it's menu, you will see a option called Tools, like I have highlighted below. Click on it.

Now, scroll down and press the Settings option.

You should now see DVD Decrypter's main settings window. Don't be overwhelmed by the number of tabs and options! Sure, DVD Decrypter has a plethora of options, but we only want the ones under the I/O tab today.

Okay, now, right off the bat you should see a region called Interfaces. Under this region, select the ElbyCDIO driver. This is the device driver that pipes directly from AnyDVD and one that will appear completely clean to DVD Decrypter.

Now, swing over to the CSS tab. Make sure that CSS Cracking Methodis set to None. Then make sure that Detect Mastering Errors is unchecked. The reason that we do all this is because AnyDVD will handle any issues with CSS (Content Scrambling System) or mastering errors, and we don't want DVD Decrypter to pick up on a false positive from AnyDVD.

Next, we are going to cleanup on some ISO options in case you decide to rip in ISO mode. To do this, click on the ISO Read Modetab. As you can see, I have unchecked all options except for Create MDS File. Again, this because AnyDVD handles all of the other options and we don't want to be interfering with it's process.

Last, but not least, click on the General tab for some last minute cleanup. Be sure to uncheck Remove Macrovision Protection and Check for Structure Protection for the same reasons that I have already mentioned (AnyDVD handles them).
**Aside:**Macrovision protection was originally introduced on the old VHS tapes as a sort of signal interference. Basically when a user wanted to copy a VHS, the copier would include the Macrovision signal which would produce a variety of different distortions on the copied VHS. Icky stuff isn't it?

Now, simply save your settings by clicking **OK.**If you ever want to change your settings back, you can simply use the Reset to Defaults button in the bottom left of the settings window. All you have to do is close DVD Decrypter, start AnyDVD back up again, and then open DVD Decrypter and you should be good to go! DVD Decrypter will remember it's settings from now on, so you only have to do the above steps once (thankfully!). Enjoy your now deadly combination of DVD decryption software!
If you have never used DVD Decrypter before, take a look at my guide (screencast!) here if you are curious about this fabulous (and free!) software.